El libro "What Che?" Integration, adaptation and assimilation of the Irish-Argentine community through its language and literature, de Juan José Delaney (Ediciones Universidad del Salvador), será presentado el 17 de mayo, en el marco de las V Jornadas Internacionales de Lengua Inglesa, organizadas por la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas de la USAL.
Integration, adaptation and assimilation of the Irish-Argentine community through its language and literature argues that the slow incorporation of the Irish immigrants to the host society, its ups and downs, are revealed through their language and literature, that there is a correlation between the Irish Diaspora to Argentina and words, speeches, verbal communication. 
By examining newspapers, magazines, private documents, oral histories, interviews and emblematic literary works of the Irish-Porteños, this thesis gives an account of the process, stresses its ways or modes, reflects on the linguistic correspondence between life and language and interprets the development of Irish-Argentine discourses and literary expressions. Never comprehensively and systematically assessed, the exploration of this matter might turn out to be a contribution to social and linguistic studies related to migration processes, a suitable document to unveil the somewhat elusive but strong power of words.